This well-signposted 12.8-kilometre linear path is the great classic of the Sierras Subbéticas Natural Park, it crosses the limestone massif of the Sierra de Cabra, accompanies the Bailón river from its source and runs through landscapes of enormous beauty that the water has shaped on limestone rocks for thousands of years. For all ages.
Prior AUTHORIZATION is required. It can be requested with a digital certificate on the website https://www.cma.junta-andalucia.es/medioambiente/cupos-ciudadano/public/login/acceso.jsf?acceso=3
The trail begins in the Cabra municipality next to some water tanks about 100 m from the old railway station, now converted into the Oil Train Interpretation Center.
The path covers the ascent from Cabra to the Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Sierra Hermitage along the Góngora path. This path, as it passes through the La Viñuela estate, gives the opportunity to see enormous century-old gall oaks and purebred Andalusian horses. It culminates in El Picacho de Cabra, which was one of the first protected areas in all of Spain and was declared a Site of National Interest in 1929.